節目介紹 每一集的節目裡,四位主角聚集在一起,搭乘著他們的太空船,進行不同的任務。能夠到處飛翔的太空船,帶著他們到世界各地,例如中國的萬里長城、巴黎的艾菲爾鐵塔…...等,每一集中他們會遭遇到不同的問題,大家一起克服困難,通力合作解決難題。 Little Einsteins img1 of Little Einsteins img1 of Little Einsteins img2 of Little Einsteins img2 of Little Einsteins img3 of Little Einsteins img3 of Little Einsteins img4 of Little Einsteins img4 of Little Einsteins img5 of Little Einsteins img5 of Little Einsteins img6 of Little Einsteins img6 of Little Einsteins img7 of Little Einsteins img7 of