節目介紹 週一至週五 10:00am 蘇菲亞生長在一個平凡的家庭,直到她的母親嫁給國王之後,蘇菲亞就成為了皇室的一員。在藍天仙子、翡翠仙子及花拉仙子的幫助下,蘇菲亞必須參加皇家預備學校,學習如何成為一個真正的公主。 Sofia the First showcase image 1 of Sofia the First showcase image 1 of Sofia the First showcase image 2 of Sofia the First showcase image 2 of Sofia the First showcase image 3 of Sofia the First showcase image 3 of Sofia the First showcase image 4 of Sofia the First showcase image 4 of Sofia the First showcase image 5 of Sofia the First showcase image 5 of Sofia the First showcase image 6 of Sofia the First showcase image 6 of Sofia the First showcase image 7 of Sofia the First showcase image 7 of Sofia the First showcase image 8 of Sofia the First showcase image 8 of 更多節目